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Jennifer Morton
Member of the Australian Society of Travel Writers since 2019
I’ve been a writer for just about all my life, though I didn’t know it until I was pushing 40. After having my son and moving to Australia in 2006, I asked myself, ‘what’s my life’s passion and purpose’ – you know, that old chestnut. I surprised myself when writing made the shortlist, but I rolled with it. Like every writer, I dreamed of seeing my byline in newspapers and magazines. And, fingers crossed, a book cover someday.
In the beginning, I dabbled with copywriting: business profiles, brochures and flyers but I found my feet with feature writing and reporting. I enjoy coming up with trending, helpful ideas for mainstream media and small business owners. My main areas of interest are health and wellness; parenting, lifestyle and travel.
The Student
I’ve completed many writing courses with the Australian Writers’ Centre and I’ve attended various workshops and seminars since taking up writing. Education never stops for me. Our world is ever-changing and so is business and marketing. In 2016, I studied with Belinda Weaver via her popular Copywriting Masterclass. In 2017, I completed Kate Toon’s Recipe for SEO online course. And more recently (2022) I’ve competed Donna Webeck's Introduction to Real Estate Copywriting Course as a refresher.
I keep up with current trends by trawling social media. Not only am I interested in what’s happening in the world, but it’s also a great way to harvest ideas.
The Adventurer
When I’m not writing, I’m planning and coming up with new ideas. True story, but I also like to take a break and have some fun.
I come from Canada, where a lot of your free time is spent in nature. I love lounging at the beach in summer and if I lived near the mountains, I’d be snowboarding in the winter.
I’m not a sporty person but I am a licensed skydiver with 140 solo jumps. There’s nothing quite like jumping out of an aeroplane to take your mind off of everything else. After much thought and back-and-forth in the sport, I gave up solo skydiving in October 2017. I no longer believe in "never" and I do dream of jumping again. Whatever happens, I’ll always be a supporter and advocate of skydiving.
I am an on-again-off-again fitness freak, which means that I can get obsessed with keeping fit. I like the calmness of yoga and meditation and enjoy having them in my life.
Aside from writing, my biggest passion is travelling. I’ve been lucky enough to travel, live, and work all over the world. My dream of being a travel writer is still alive and well.
The Traveller
I dreamed of travel since childhood. When I was nine, my teacher offered all the students the chance to buy a pen pal. We could choose any country. I chose Australia. We wrote back and forth for years and finally met in 2001. I had no idea that by 2006, I would be living in Australia too.
Before leaving Canada in early 2001 for my year-long working holiday, I had been working as an accounting clerk for a travel agency in West Vancouver. It was here that my travel dreams really blossomed. I holidayed in Europe, Mexico and the USA. When I decided to leave to travel full-time, I had no idea that I wouldn’t return.
Since then, I’ve travelled around the world and lived all over Australia, New Zealand and briefly in Fiji. I've even spent six months aboard a European cruise ship working as a photographer.